Discovering Bokbunja-ju: Korea’s Exquisite Black Raspberry Wine

Korean Black Raspberry Wine: The Healthful Elixir of Bokbunja-ju Introduction to Bokbunja-ju Bokbunja-ju is a unique and traditional Korean liqueur made from the fermentation of black raspberries, known as Bokbunja. This delightful beverage is not only enjoyed for its rich flavor but also for its medicinal properties. The Origin of Bokbunja-ju The name Bokbunja comes from the Korean words for “turning over a chamber pot,” which humorously alludes to the belief that the wine’s potency could lead to such an event. The wine is made from unripe fruits of the Rubus coreanus, a species of black raspberry native to Korea. Health Benefits Bokbunja-ju is renowned for its health benefits, which include: Fatigue Relief : The anthocyanins and polyphenols in Bokbunja provide powerful antioxidant effects, reducing fatigue-causing lactic acid. Anti-Aging : These antioxidants also help in cell regeneration, slowing down the aging process. Skin Beauty : Vitamin C in Bokbunja

Asamushi Sencha: The Light and Refreshing Japanese Green Tea

Asamushi Sencha: How to Enjoy the Light and Refreshing Japanese Green Tea

Asamushi sencha, or lightly steamed green tea, is a traditional and popular type of Japanese tea that offers a clear and crisp flavor with a refreshing aftertaste. In this article, we will introduce the characteristics, benefits, and brewing methods of asamushi sencha, as well as some of the best regions and producers of this delicate tea.

It is decorated with cherry blossom leaves around Asamushi Sencha tea.

What is Asamushi Sencha?

Asamushi sencha is a type of sencha, or green tea, that is steamed for a shorter time than usual, usually between 10 to 30 seconds. This process preserves the natural shape and color of the tea leaves, as well as the original aroma and taste of the fresh leaves. Asamushi sencha has a golden-green color and a transparent appearance, with a light and smooth texture and a subtle bitterness.

How is Asamushi Sencha Different from Fukamushi Sencha?

Fukamushi sencha, or deeply steamed green tea, is another type of sencha that is steamed for a longer time, usually between one to three minutes. This process breaks down the tea leaves and makes them finer and powdery, resulting in a darker green color and a cloudy appearance. Fukamushi sencha has a rich and full-bodied flavor, with a sweet and mellow taste and a reduced bitterness.

The difference in steaming time affects not only the appearance and flavor of the tea, but also the brewing methods and the health benefits. Asamushi sencha requires a lower water temperature and a shorter steeping time than fukamushi sencha, as it is more sensitive to heat and can become bitter if overbrewed. Asamushi sencha also contains more catechins, a type of polyphenol that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, than fukamushi sencha, as the longer steaming time reduces the catechin content.

How to Brew Asamushi Sencha

To enjoy the best flavor and aroma of asamushi sencha, it is important to follow the proper brewing methods. Here are some tips and steps to brew a perfect cup of asamushi sencha:

  • Use fresh and filtered water, and boil it in a kettle or a pot.
  • Preheat your teapot and teacups by pouring some hot water into them and then discarding it.
  • Put about one teaspoon of asamushi sencha leaves per cup into the teapot.
  • Pour the boiled water into a separate container, such as a pitcher or a cup, and let it cool down to about 70°C (158°F). You can also use a thermometer to measure the temperature, or count about 30 seconds after boiling.
  • Pour the water over the tea leaves, and cover the teapot with a lid.
  • Steep the tea for about one minute, and then pour it into the teacups. Make sure to pour the tea evenly and completely, so that each cup has the same strength and flavor.
  • Enjoy your asamushi sencha, and feel free to brew it for a second or a third time, by adjusting the water temperature and the steeping time accordingly.

Where to Find the Best Asamushi Sencha

Asamushi sencha is produced in various regions of Japan, but some of the most famous and high-quality ones are from Shizuoka Prefecture, the largest tea-producing area in Japan. Shizuoka is known for its ideal climate and soil conditions for tea cultivation, as well as its long history and tradition of tea culture.

Within Shizuoka, there are two areas that are especially renowned for their asamushi sencha: Kawane and Tenryu. Kawane is a mountainous area along the Oi River, where the tea plants grow in high altitudes and cool temperatures, resulting in a tea with a clear and refreshing taste and a fragrant aroma. Kawane tea is also called Kawane-ji tea, or tea from the Kawane road, as it was historically transported along this route to the capital. Tenryu is a rural area in the western part of Shizuoka, where the tea plants grow in a natural and abundant environment, surrounded by forests and rivers. Tenryu tea has a smooth and mellow taste, with a sweet and gentle aftertaste.


Asamushi sencha is a type of Japanese green tea that is lightly steamed and has a clear and crisp flavor. It is different from fukamushi sencha, which is deeply steamed and has a rich and full-bodied flavor. To brew asamushi sencha, you need to use a lower water temperature and a shorter steeping time than fukamushi sencha, and follow the proper steps and tips. Asamushi sencha is produced in various regions of Japan, but some of the best ones are from Shizuoka Prefecture, especially Kawane and Tenryu. Asamushi sencha is a great tea to enjoy anytime of the day, as it can refresh your mind and body with its light and smooth texture and its subtle bitterness.