Discovering Bokbunja-ju: Korea’s Exquisite Black Raspberry Wine

Korean Black Raspberry Wine: The Healthful Elixir of Bokbunja-ju Introduction to Bokbunja-ju Bokbunja-ju is a unique and traditional Korean liqueur made from the fermentation of black raspberries, known as Bokbunja. This delightful beverage is not only enjoyed for its rich flavor but also for its medicinal properties. The Origin of Bokbunja-ju The name Bokbunja comes from the Korean words for “turning over a chamber pot,” which humorously alludes to the belief that the wine’s potency could lead to such an event. The wine is made from unripe fruits of the Rubus coreanus, a species of black raspberry native to Korea. Health Benefits Bokbunja-ju is renowned for its health benefits, which include: Fatigue Relief : The anthocyanins and polyphenols in Bokbunja provide powerful antioxidant effects, reducing fatigue-causing lactic acid. Anti-Aging : These antioxidants also help in cell regeneration, slowing down the aging process. Skin Beauty : Vitamin C in Bokbunja

Kumis: A Traditional Fermented Dairy Drink from Central Asia

Kumis: A Traditional Fermented Dairy Drink from Central Asia

Kumis is a fermented dairy product that is traditionally made from mare’s milk or donkey milk. It is a popular drink among the peoples of Central Asia, especially those of Turkic and Mongol origin. Kumis has a slightly sour taste and a mild alcohol content.

The Kumis is on display with several ingredients.

History of Kumis

Kumis has a long history that dates back to the ancient times. It was consumed by the nomadic tribes of the Asian steppes, such as the Scythians, the Huns, the Turks, the Mongols, and the Khitans.Kumis was also known as cosmos by the 13th-century traveler William of Rubruck, who described its preparation and consumption among the Mongols. Kumis was considered a sacred drink that was used for ritual purposes, as well as a nourishing and medicinal beverage.

Production of Kumis

Kumis is produced by fermenting mare’s milk or donkey milk with a liquid starter culture, which contains various bacteria and yeast. The fermentation process converts the lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid and alcohol, giving kumis its characteristic sourness and fizziness. Kumis is usually stored in animal skin containers, such as horsehide or goatskin, and stirred or shaken periodically to maintain the fermentation. Kumis can also be made from cow’s milk, but it requires additional fortification with sugar or whey to approximate the composition of mare’s milk.

Health Benefits of Kumis

Kumis has many health benefits, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, antibiotics, and probiotics. Kumis can help improve digestion, metabolism, immunity, and cardiovascular health. Kumis can also treat various conditions, such as anemia, tuberculosis, ulcers, and allergies. Kumis is usually consumed before meals, as it stimulates the appetite and prepares the stomach for food. Kumis is also a refreshing and energizing drink that can quench thirst and relieve fatigue.